Teaching Experience
Graduate Teaching Experience. I've had many positive experiences teaching a variety of courses while at the University of Kansas. I have designed new courses, I have strong experience in generating assignments and examinations, and I've created supplementary materials that are in use beyond my time as a teaching assistant. I have received consistent strong evaluations above the departmental average for teaching assistants and professors, which are available upon request.
- EECS 210: Discrete Structures. Spring 2008 to Spring 2009. This course covers the mathematical foundations required as prerequisites for many of the advanced courses in the undergraduate curriculum, covering boolean logic, proof writing, mathematical induction, recurrence relations, set and relation properties, and graph properties. Working under different professors and in different textbooks, I designed recitation notes and problem sets, and graded all assignments.
- EECS 138, Java: Introduction to Computing. Fall 2004 - Fall 2006. This class is an introduction to programming basics, such as control flow, data structures, inheritance, and recursion. I was wholly responsible for the course, from designing a new syllabus, assignments, examinations and supplementary lab materials to lecturing and grading.
- EECS 138, Web Programming: Introduction to Computing. Fall 2005 - Fall 2006. This section of EECS 138 covers the same introductory materials while using various web technologies - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. I co-designed this course with another teaching assistant for its initial offering in Fall 2005. I again generated the syllabus, assignments, examinations, and lab materials, as well as performed all lecturing and grading.
- EECS 128: Intro to Computer-Based Information Systems . Fall 2004, Spring 2007- Spring 2008. This class is for non-majors, covering basics of computer organization, a light introduction to programming in Visual Basic, and practical skills in Microsoft Office. I lectured, graded, and generated assignments, labs, and examination materials. In Fall 2007 and Spring 2008, I served as coordinator of the 6-8 sections by organizing efforts between teaching assistants and writing the examinations. In Summer 2008 I had the opportunity to update the course supplementary text and to improve the examples and presentation.
Guest Lecture Experience
- EECS 700: Functional Programming (Spring 2010, for Dr. Andrew Gill). Topics included functional programming, list comprehensions, and monads.
- EECS 368: Programming Language Paradigms (Fall 2010, for Dr. Andrew Gill). I covered a week of classes. Topics included introducing the Scheme language and basics of functional programming.
- EECS 368: Programming Language Paradigms (Fall 2009, for Dr. Andrew Gill). Topics included the Java language, inheritance and interfaces, overloading, data structures, and generics (polymorphism).